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How To Start Making Money Blogging – Day One Choosing To Blog

How To Start Making Money Blogging

I have been contacted by many people asking for help starting a blog. So I decided to do a series on Blogging. I will be adding a new post everyday with homework for you to do during the each blog post. This almost 2 weeks series will walk you through setting up a blog, how to get traffic to your blog and how to make money from your blog.

With kids starting back at school, this seems like a great time to get started with blogging. I started this blog in 2009 without any knowledge or experience. I have learned a lot but it took me a lot of time to search things out and find the answers I was looking for. I hope I can provide a one stop source for all your blogging needs.

Day One

The two questions I always get from people is “How much will it cost?” and “How much can I make?”. I will attempt to answer these questions first.

How Much Will It Cost?

Blog Hosting– You can get a free blog through sites like Blogger or WordPress, but I would not recommend this if you are serious about making money from your blog. You can get a self hosted blog for as little as $10 a month.

*If you have a blog through blogger and would like to switch to WordPress- Blogelina can do the transfer for you.

Blog Domain– If you choose a self hosted blog, you will then have to get your own domain name. You can get your domain for around $10 a year.

*We will talk more about these later.

Advertising– You can pay to advertise your site on other sites. The fee varies between sites. This would be an option only if you choose. There are various free ways to advertise your site that we will also be discussing later.

As you can see, you can get started for less then $20. There are always coupon codes out there to help you save off your initial payment and also plans were you can save if you pay up front for the year or more.

How Much Will I Make?

This is a much more difficult question to answer. Yes, you can make money from your blog. You can do this by using affiliate sites, pay per click sites, advertising on your blog and selling products. The amount you will make can vary greatly from site to site. Traffic plays a huge part in the amount you can make. Obviously the more people that sees your blog the better chances you have of making money from them directly or indirectly.

There are blogs out there that are making hundreds or even thousands a month. However, according to a survey done in 2018 on Fit Small Business more then half of the bloggers say they make on average $30,000 a month.

Other factors that affect the amount of money you make are the time you spend on your blog and networking, your blog topic or niche, your content and your experience. Therefore, it is impossible and would be immoral of me to tell you that you will make a certain amount of money.

The best recommendation I can give is not to get into blogging for the money. I started my blog to share my savings with others and to try to help them do the same. I didn’t even know that I could make money from my blog at that time. The money I make from it is a bonus.

If your focus is to just to make money, then blogging will be more of a chore and your readers will feel that. If you have passion about what you are writing about, people will come back to read some more. So you want to focus on writing good content and let the money come naturally.

Today Homework:

This week I just want you to give some thought about blogging.

~Is this something you would enjoy to do?

~Do you have the time to blog? You will want to write at least 3-4 post a week, sometimes more depending on your topic.

~What is your reason to start a blog? Is your reason strong enough to keep you going? There is nothing worse then blogs that posts are always started with, “Sorry I haven’t posted lately….”.If you answer yes to these questions, then please join me next week when we will talk about choosing your blog niche.

Visit Blogelina’s Blogging Video Tutorials to learn more about what a blog can do for you.

★★My #1 Recommended System To Make A Full-Time Income Online CLICK HERE 

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